Monday, March 10, 2008

A Day of Face Painting

Ella and I spent the entire day painting each other's faces. This was another one of those times I could have said 'no'. In fact, I almost did. I mean, come on, how reasonable is is to spend the better part of an hour painting a face only to wash it off 5 minutes later and start over? My grown up self was saying this was absolutely not reasonable! Reason to a 6 year old is an entirely different matter. I put that grumpy old grown up voice aside and happily, joyfully said 'sure'. So we painted a face, took some pictures, washed the paint off, and started again. Sure enough, against all grown up reason, it was loads of fun. I enjoyed it and let go of the idea that the paint needed to stay on the face as long as possible. Apparently, the paint only needs to stay on long enough to take a few pictures and show everyone how fabulous it looks. And guess what? All was okay, the world did not end, and my fear of "wasting the paint" was totally unfounded. There is an endless amount of face paint in the world, but only one chance to spend that day as we did.

Ella's Version of Mommy as a snake...I know, pretty scary!

I promised I would put her work as a makeup artist on the blog too...ahh, humility!
Mommy as a dalmation

She fixed my hair too. Did I mention this was my soft clothes day? What we won't do for our offspring! Mommy as the Ice Queen

A much more photogenic Ella as a dalmation

Ella as the Ice Queen


CFC Flames '04 said...

I LOVE it!!! How fun! Why did we not do that when we were there??!! I better go find some face paint before I show the boys these pictures because I know that's what we will be doing after they see them! What a great time and OH the memories!!!

Did you see Ella made Ethan's blog?

Madeline Rains said...

Mindy, this is fantastic. I laughed so hard at you as the dalmation - in a good way! : ) You are beautiful, even under all that scary paint, even as the Ice Queen.

And Ella - wow! You are a make-up artist, truly. And a very good mom.

mindy said...

I'm trying to develop my
" big cojones"...I figure it takes a brave soul to post pictures of herself that are soooo unflatering!!!! I told John the dalmation picture looks like I was in a fight and was NOT on the winning side of things! And the snake....well green and yellow have never been my colors!

Schuyler said...

Those are beautiful. You and Ella both are beautiful! Ella did a fantastic job.