Monday, March 17, 2008

Adding to the Menegerie

On Sunday, we drove to Atlanta to pick up the newest members of the Haworth Menagerie. After months of research, planning, emailing breeders, and finally ending up with fosters from a rescue, Ella got her rats. We decided on two, both females, because rats are very social and really need to live with more ratties. So Ella saved her money and we've been waiting for the breeder to let us know of a litter. The planned litters have not taken, so she told us of some rescue babies they just got in. We visited and played with many different rats before Ella decided on two babies: one white with ruby eyes and one brown. Then Alex decided he would really love to have one of the rats as well. The foster mommy let us know our cage would be more than adequate to house at least four rats, so lo and behold, we ended up with four. I have to admit, they are really cute! And let me tell you, this is coming from an adamant rodent dis- liker. I have always said, "NO RODENTS!" I let down my guard with the bunnies, and finally, the last frontier. I mean, you don't get any more rodenty than rats! I'm thinking this is all part of my stretching and growing and not saying "NO" unless it's really life or death.

Bringing Our Ratties Home

Our Rat's New Home- The Rat Skyscraper

Custard Peeking Out

Sassy Saying "Hi"


Madeline Rains said...

wow. Finding the good in that would be next to impossible for me. I got over the fear of flying for my kids but rats! You are amazing. It makes me shiver just to look at the picture. Insane, I know. Jesse wants a snake. They eat rats. So I'll have to get over this. eeeaaaaahhhhhh!

mindy said...

You know, the way to get over a fear is through repeated exposure to the said object. You can hold and play with our ratties as much as you want when you visit! HA!!!!
Really, I hope this doesn't repulse you enough to NOT want to come visit. I promise we'll keep you as sheltered as possible.

kelli said...

How exciting! They're so little.. aww..

My big step into the "uncomfortable" zone was our snake. :)

I should probably post a picture of her, she's really pretty.