Okay, so I finally bit the bullet and joined Facebook. I was waxing nostalgic as I looked through old photographs for a birthday blog I'm working on for next week, and decided to look up a few old friends. As soon as I joined I was pleasantly surprised to see Shanna, hilarious as ever, refer to the whole Facebook thing as Facesuck, which I LOVE!!!! I resisted joining because I felt it would take away from the blogging world. I know it already has, because some of my favorite bloggers have been less than prolific in their blogging since they became Facesuckers. Sigh. Oh well. I will try my hardest to not let it blindside my efforts to record our life here in blog-land.
On that note :)
We had mussels last night. Need I say more? Oh yeah...homemade ice cream too :)
I've eaten mussels... once. I will probably only eat mussels... once. LOL
Is it ok to eat mussels this month? I was actually wondering this a few days ago. I am craving seafood like crazy. We just went to Whole Foods for the first time in a while and bought shrimp, sardines, anchovies, smoked salmon and clams (canned). I guess that should tide me over until mussels are available. Mmmmm!
They were selling them at our local natural foods store, they tasted great, and none of us got sick. I thought that "eat them a certain month" thing was only for raw oysters...hmmmm.
Facesuck! Too funny *g* I'm glad you're in blogger world and there :)
It's so True!!! Although I'm slowly getting back to blogging with less time on Facebook. It has been cool to connect with old friends..
facesuck!!! ha!! i'm glad you're now sucking face with the rest of us!!!
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