Saturday, August 30, 2008

Things we've been doing...

We had a visit from Wendy and Shelby recently. We were introduced to MarioKart for the Wii. The kids loved it and have added it to their vision list. We also took them to our favorite swimming hole...twice! (Thanks to Shelby's persistence, the second day the kids had so much more fun than the first!)

Alex has been wanting to make soft pretzels for... forever! I don't know why, but we kept putting it off. I finally got around to getting things organized for him, and he was able to try his hand at his very first yeast dough. They were a smashing success. We decided to make half savory and half sweet.

Ella came up with ...rug surfing!

Snakes have been dining on our chicken eggs. John captured this one and released it about 3 miles away in a huge wild blackberry thicket.

A little daddy pile-up before we head off to L&L. John can't make it this year, and we're anticipating missing him next week. We're very happy he has a three day weekend to spend with us before we go.

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