Sunday, December 2, 2007

To Blog or Not To Blog

I have about 4 drafts of blogs that I was going to post, then didn't get the pictures I wanted, then too much time went by, so I never posted them. Man!

We have been having a great time just being. Maybe that's why I haven't blogged. I have felt like any blog I wrote would just be a running itinerary of our lives. While this would not be terribly interesting reading, it would at least give me a little piece of what our lives were like at this particular moment in time. At first I didn't want to do this, but as time passes I am beginning to think it is important. I want to remember the little things that made up our days together.

One of my never posted blogs was Ella's birth story. I wanted to put up pictures of her as a newborn and of her today. I couldn't get the old pictures to scan, so I decided not to post it. But I really want to have that story recorded. And, as I was looking through the old pictures, I wanted to remember what a day was like then...what the kids were interested in , what we did with our days. I always think I'll remember these things, then I'll see a picture and wish I knew what it felt like on that day.

Long story short, I think I do want a bit of the record-keeping thing. My life right now with my kids will be gone and I'll wish I could remember a piece of it. Although pictures are very important to me, there is something about writing the little experiences down that captures something else. Let the boring blogs begin!


Jessica said...

Yes, I have the same thoughts at times. I don't want my blog to be a boring litany like some of the Christmas letters I am about to get :)
But, our family really likes looking back at the ordinary stuff documented in a fun way. Now that I never develop pictures I have to do something lol.
For what it is worth, I love reading about what other unschoolers are doing when they are simply and beautifully doing LIFE.

mindy said...

Jessica, I also love reading the simple things other unschoolers are it a struggle or just fun days in this fabulous life.

Madeline Rains said...

I'm relieved. When I started reading this post I was afraid it was possibly your last! Blog about the every day - that is so much fun for us to read. I agree - it is hard to believe when I do it too and I remember you telling me....!

kelli said...

Mindy, I hope you'll blog for *you* and don't worry about the rest :)

I love *visiting* in on other unschooling families; seeing what they're up to~ I think a birth story would be beautiful to hear,

so glad you've joined the blogging world!

mindy said...

I know, I know! It's so much easier to see in other people than myself. And yes, I do want to blog for I will have these moments of our lives recorded for me to peruse in future years when it's not all so fresh.