Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kick Starting the New Year

Our friends from out of town cancelled their plans to visit us for New Years because they had the stomach flu...yuck...with a capital Y! We settled in to a wonderful family New Year's Eve...we watched a movie, had some champagne, and were going to watch the ball drop. You know what they say about the best laid plans???? I fell asleep on the sofa around 10:00, which is very unusual for me. I begged forgiveness and hobbled into bed. I awoke sometime around midnight with the worst stomach ache ever. After suffering for about 20 minutes, I began vomiting. I threw up for nearly 7 hours!!!! Did I mention how much I hate to throw up, and how I very rarely do? Eee gads. I was finally through around 7:00am. I thought I would be feeling a bit better to have it over and done with, when the 102 degree fever hit, and then hung around for 24 hours. Man, I was totally out of commission. I've decided that this was a literal take on the idea of purging out the old toxins I was holding onto from 2008 to make way for a cleansing new 2009. I think I like the figurative purging better.
I am on my feet again, the fever is long gone, but I am still treading very lightly with what I eat. Did I mention I hate to throw up????? Yuck. With a capital Y.


Ronnie said...

"I think I like the figurative purging better."

I don't blame you! Glad you are starting to feel better!

gail said...

Glad you're better, Mindy. I absolutely hate throwing up more than anything!!

Happy New Year from the Florida Folk!

laura said...

oh bless you my child!!! what a way to ring in the new year and you didn't even get the "fun" of being all drunk before your puke party started...oh my!

i used to never ever see the start of the new year when the kids were little. i almost always fell asleep with them around 8 or so (um, sometimes even 6ish)...only to be woke up by distant fireworks later on. i sort of miss that actually.

CFC Flames '04 said...

Hope you're feeling better! I'm down with a horrible head cold today but thank goodness not throwing up....yet!
Sending healthy thoughts your way!

Madeline Rains said...

Oh Mindy! I hate it too. seven hours! That's got to be a record! Gillen threw up once last night but was fine by this morning. He is feeling inspired to eat better. I agree, that's a lousy way to have to make that resolution. And you and he eat well already.I'm glad that you felt better a few days later.

Shanna said...

OMG. Jessica and her whole family had it too. Then Nina, Jeff and Tristan! Were you the only one? Jack and Andrew barfed, but then it left us...the holy water and blessed salt, I believe! I am SO SORRY!!! You may have to break up with us after this. We are too much of a liability!
Embrace the chaos!