Friday, February 22, 2008

Blogging Rut and Madeline's Tag

I have been in a serious blogging rut. Several big things have happened in our lives, but none which I can truly write about in a public forum. I don't know what to do with I haven't written because writing about anything other than these things feels trivial in comparison. Sigh.

Madeline tagged me so I am coming out of rut-dome to write some things about a friend. What friend? I am really perplexed. I hold myself very close and don't always let people in to my inner sanctum. I have many friends, but very few who I love, trust, and to whom I feel really close.

The rules:(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Post the rules on your blog.(3) Share six things you love about a friend, doesn’t have to be the same friend who wrote about you, really!(4) Tag other random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.

John: Because he is my one true love, and my very best friend
1. I love that John laughs at my jokes.
2. I love that John tries to give me everything.
3. I love John's passion for good food.
4. I love that John lives his truth and is not afraid to be who he really is, all the time.
5. I love that John doesn't let me get too self-absorbed.
6. I love that John will listen to me ad-nauseum when I need to talk...and I need to talk A LOT!

I'm going to tag Gail and Jesse and Gillen.


CFC Flames '04 said...

Hi there! I found your blog through Madeline's. Hope you don't mind. I am giving this whole blogging thing a try - even though I have to learn along the way...hey, it's a start! :)
I know we just met but if ya want to talk about whatever is going on in your life - I'm here.

Madeline Rains said...

Ahhh, So wonderful! You guys are such an inspiring couple. Gillen and Jesse are very excited about being tagged. :)

mindy said...

Kelly...I didn't know you were blogging! I'll have to look you up!

Madeline, tell Jesse and Gillen I am on pins and needles waiting for them to do their tag. I love their perspective and insight!

kelli said...

I know this is a few weeks old but I hope things are OK with you and your family. hugs from us :)